Telephone Art/ Cell Phone

Jim PallasDiale- vents Phoene-vents
Disembodied Art Gallery  Disembodied Voices, Answering Machine Solution Temporary Line
Heath Bunting  Kings Cross Call-in, Cybercafe  (possibly dead link) 
Ian Pollock and Janet Silk  Museum of the Future, Area Code, Local 411, Dead Air, Radio from beyond the Grave main stie**
Neal White?s - Telesymphony 
Fred Forrest  Watch-Towers of Peace
Benoit Maubrey  Celluar Buddies, Electronic Speakers Corner
Stephen Wilson  Is Anyone There
Nick Wray Living Garden
Center for Metahuman Exploration Boundary  Link
Dialtones -TelesymphonyGolan Levin
Lance Shields Tele-phony
Christoph Ebener  Uli Winters If you don't think this is art, call this number!  **
Imahima **
NUIT BLANCHE  - payphone event
Teri Rueb - Open City 
victoria Vesna - notime: cellular trans_actions
Sergio Maltagliati& Alessandra Rossi  NextOpera (cell phone opera) Random Cell phone event
Kevin Haywood, Myriel Milicevic - cellular gaming
Emil Hrvatin - Miss Mobile
Antonia Hirsch's - Lines Spoken For (voice messaging)*
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer rAmodal Suspension (cell phone messages convert to searchlights)
Robert Whitman - cell phone works  samples
Francis Alÿs/ MATRIX 145
I love Bees (pay phone event)
Greg Neimeyer, Dan Perkel, Ryan Shaw-  Away from the New (cell phone game ) REDUX - CallSpace
List of cell phone links
Lotte Meijer, Matthew Biederman, Adam Hyde , Erin Moore - Paper cup Telephone Network
George Legrady - Global Collaborative Visual Mapping Archive
Steve Bull, Scot Gresham-Lancaster Kalin Mintchev and Tim Perkis - Cellphonia
 Germaine Koh - relay
Shawn Micallef, Gabe Sawhney, Ana Serrano - murmur
James Rouvelle, Joe Reinsel, Steve Bradley - URBANtells
Daniel Jolliffe - San Jose Voices 
Hoyun Son - FYI
Barthol Aram - Silver Cell (cell phone distrupter)
empfangshalle - As if we were alone
M+M - Song fuer C
Jenny Chowdhury - Cell Atlantic CellBooth
Mohave Phone Booth
Thomas Charveriat -  Free 2 Talk (sms based event), Inmersión sonora (fm radios), Telephones (sound synthesis on sex line)
Ron Kuivila - answering machines event**